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Writer's pictureJames D Turnage

COVA Thoughts

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At only 3 weeks into the Ed Tech program and I have already been impacted by the COVA learning approach. At first it proved to be a challenge due to the significantly varying structure from the prior classes we have been taking. Adapting a COVA learning approach is all about having the freedom to choose how I want to complete the assignments. By having a choice, I take more ownership of my work and I can voice my authentic opinions and learning experiences. For my first task, I ventured out and learned how to use Microsoft Sway to present my understanding of the growth mindset. For this

next assignment, I will be going even further and creating a video to showcase my work. It is highly likely that I would have not done either of these activities if I was solely in the Ed Admin program. Over the course of this program, while I will be developing my e-Portfolio, I expect that I will explore new software technologies to showcase my voice. I have a few ideas, such as Sway, Google Sites, WIX, WeVideo, and more, but I believe the list will grow since I am provided the freedom necessary to explore. This process of exploration allows me the opportunity to develop a sense of learner agency towards COVA. The most difficult part about the COVA process is the sense of absolute freedom. I have always liked a barebones structure. This is not necessarily a step by step process, but it is enough to give me a jumpstart rather than just “diving in”.

Regarding COVA and my classroom, I have been implementing the concept of COVA at times without even realizing that it was known as COVA. I have the privilege of working in a partially blended classroom environment. I say partially, because it all depends on which subject I am teaching. My computer science course is a self-paced online course where I tend to highlight the major concepts and tell the students “Go”, and they dive right in. The wonderful thing about programming is that there is always several ways to solve a problem and I am there to help students build upon how their learning experience. The students are also able to reflect on their prior work and expand upon their programs.

Beyond my Classroom, my campus is working towards this process of engaging student choice in their projects; at least at certain points. This past year, our campus started up this big event known as “The Red Carpet”. The night of this event simulates the Oscars award show. The purpose of this event is to celebrate the achievements of students and their work on their project submissions. Every teacher assigns a project criterion to their students and they are provided time to brainstorm, analyze, and develop their products. The event was such a big success that we are doing it again towards the end of this school year. Students are excited about this event and they desire to show off their creativity to the community. I think that if we can get students to be this excited in the classroom on a normal day doing their projects, then they would be gaining a significant amount of knowledge more. I believe that students interest in technology will aid in a successful implementation of a blended and/or flipped environment. Ultimately, I can see a time when most of public education is done from home.

This will be an interesting time in history.

Markoff, M., & T. (2014, May 06). Click here-- blended learning and the future of education: Monique Markoff at TEDxIthacaCollege. Retrieved December 06, 2017, from


Key Takeaways From Peer Discussions:

  • We should mold our classrooms into a place that provides learners with Choice, Ownership, and Voice through Authentic learning experiences.

  • Blended learning environments are on the rise and offer unique differentiation

  • Students should be encouraged to figure out concepts on their own, with guided support.

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