The end of the year is approaching. I am one step closer to completing my Masters in Educational Technology Leadership program from Lamar University. It has been a long journey since I began the program in January 2017. For my first seven classes in the program, I completed assignments that were arranged in a fixed format, where it had to be completed in a very specific way. I value this traditional format as it allows me to really know exactly what I need to do to get the performance outcome I desire. I expected that each class would carry this format and that I would learn what I needed to learn and be done. However, this fixed format was shaken upon starting the second half of my Masters program. My eighth class, started in November 2017. This is where I began to gain a greater understanding of my own self.
My class, Concepts of Educational Technology, proved to be a very challenging and demanding course. I can honestly say that I went into this course with the fixed mindset, “Oh. Technology course!? I got this in the bag”. Boy howdy I was wrong. The concepts of this course were completely open. I spent countless hours reflecting on myself. I determined some aspects of my life where I have a fixed mindset and others a growth mindset. My concept of a growth mindset revolves around the word “yet”. Yet is a powerful word and I have truly begun to embrace it within my classroom. I am currently seeking to implement the major concept, “failing forward”, with myself and my students. This concept is not foreign to me as I find it to be similar to trial and error in programming. When a problem arises, you try to solve it, but may fail the first, second, or even third time. Instead of giving up, you can simply accept the failure, learn from the mistakes made, and press onward towards completing your goal.
As I continue my M.Ed. Technology Leadership program with Lamar University, I anticipate working on assignments that will further develop my understanding of the COVA learning methodology. The COVA learning approach to learning clearly emphasizes that learners are offered Choice, Ownership, Voice, and Authenticity. I expect to be able to build upon the experiences I have gained in my 8th course. I intend to showcase my learning by implementing COVA into my classroom with the intention to provide authentic learning experiences for my students. I look forward to embracing the challenges to come with my future course.
Below you will find links to my work performed in EDLD 5302 – Concepts of Education Technology.
Harapnuik, D. (n.d.). COVA Model. Retrieved December 19, 2017, from